BB Chat

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                                  Ballbustingcommunity Chat



The Chat don't stores any chat messages ! NO REGISTRATION NEEDED !

Private Chat:

To Chat in private just click in the name you want to chat with and choose the option private chat .

How  do i change my username?

Click on your nickname and enter your username next to "Name" in the edit box. 
How do i change my Picture?
To change your display picture choose one of the default images shown by clicking on it. Every time you choose one you will get another selection from which to choose. If you wish to look at a wider selection of images click the more… button and follow the instructions. Alternatively, you can use any picture you like but it must be uploaded somewhere on the Internet to do this. Paste the link / url into the Picture box. You can upload your own images to photobucket for use on the chat box.

The Chat is not working? Download the latest update of  Adobe Flash Player the plugin and installation instructions can be found at the link above.

Meet me

Where do we meet?
If you find someone that you would like to meet in real life, type in the search box(seach for a location) the place you want to meet the person to know exactly where's the place. Let's meet there! When you decide to meet someone in person for the first time always take safety precautions and... always wear a cup on a first date! :D